Busting biodegradable myths
Biodegradable products aren't more eco-friendly than compostable ones.
You'll often hear the terms biodegradable and compostable used interchangeably. But the differences between the two terms are key.
Biodegradable refers to "any material that can be broken down by microorganisms and assimilated into the natural environment." It can take household items anywhere from 5 days to 500 years to biodegrade! 😳
Compostable, on the other hand, refers to "a product or material that can biodegrade under specific, human-driven circumstances." The time needed for items to compost is accelerated by human interaction.
Here are some common misconceptions (and the actual facts):
Biodegradable items are also compostable. False. Biodegradable items contaminate organics bins and end up in landfills.
Biodegradable items are made from organic materials. False. They're normally made from plastics and other chemicals, while compostable items are usually made from organic materials.
Tap below to learn more about the misconceptions about composting vs. biodegrading to better inform your composting journey.
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